Honda Reduction 420/500/520 Primary 60% Rancher Pioneer Rubicon Foreman

This HUGE primary gear reduction will get your Honda turning those larger tires like they aren’t even there! This kit also includes HD springs to make sure your clutches don’t slip. This reduction will fit in all 420/500/520 models BESIDES DCT. Great setup for heavy 30-32 inch tires in thick mud or 33-34 inch tires for more moderate riding. Pair this reduction with a secondary reduction and have an overall 80% reduction.

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This HUGE primary gear reduction will get your Honda turning those larger tires like they aren’t even there! This kit also includes HD springs to make sure your clutches don’t slip. This reduction will fit in all 420/500/520 models BESIDES DCT. Great setup for heavy 30-32 inch tires in thick mud or 33-34 inch tires for more moderate riding. Pair this reduction with a secondary reduction and have an overall 80% reduction.

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Dimensions 1 in